Life is What You Make It

There are some who say that life is life, it is meant to be lived and there are some things human beings are not meant to do. Yet dreams, inventions, discoveries, and mysteries still exist. To think that this is all that life has to offer, that you cannot have an increase, is preposterous, at least for those who choose to have it that way. This is inspiration of the power of the mind and body to become something you never have before. This is not about inspirational quotes, this is about discovering something you have already thought of before.*

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Synesthesia is a somewhat new and interesting study. Some people have this innate ability to do things a majority of us cannot. Generally speaking, synesthesia is when two sensory sections of the brain are crossed, connected, or blended to which it causes a different kind of enhanced sense. It is an involuntary cognitive pathway. There are some studies that suggest that one can temporarily have moments of synesthetic experiences with the influence of drugs, strokes, seizures, or other cognitive stimulating or inhibiting actions.

For example, some people can taste color or see sound. There are some amazing explanations and different stories given by people who have this ability. Them describing it the best they can sounds phenomenal.  A gift many would like to have. Those who do have it have also talked about how tiring it can be as well as helpful. I would think that one would get a bit of a headache especially in a high sensory area like the city where there is so much commotion. As for being helpful, imagine being able to tell a word is not spelled right because it literally does not look right or being able to listen to the music and you see what the sounds create and sell your artwork?

Ideasthesia is different and yet the same from synesthesia by one difference. Ideasthesia is caused with a somatic sensory connection rather than just the senses. Basically, if we were to have a conversation about something I would be visualizing it in my mind. It then causes me to feel that sensation without actually feeling it. One example used on wiki was swimming. If we were to talk about swimming I might feel wet.

The two subjects are very similar so although they are both very different, I will be referring it to any blending of the senses because of the many categories in synesthesia that can be ideasthesia also.

There appears to be specific kinds of synesthesia. Each one called by which senses they combine

Grapheme which is a color synesthesia.
Spatial sequence synesthesia
Sound related to colors
Number form synesthesia
Lexical-gustatory synesthesia which is taste and words/letters.

Official Foundations:
American Synesthesia Association
Australian Synesthete Community
UK Synaesthesia Association
Belguin Synesthesia Association
Russian Synesthesia Community Site

Intriguing People and Media

Other interesting sites
History of Synesthesia (Wiki)

Alternative Medicine

Whenever someone asks me my major, and they don't know what I am talking about, I have got to explain it almost every time. Some people understand but they want some clarification because they are unsure. So, I am going to explain it to those who don't know. Please do not feel bad if you honestly don't know because here is the thing, it is such a lost and vague practice that it seems that a majority of people in the United Stated DO NOT know what it is. At least according to my experiences with youth, teens, young adults, and older adults across all races and backgrounds. If you do know, and I offended you, I am sorry. We should meet up so I can say I have met people that did know.

Alternative Medicine is basically anything that can support, compliment, change, and differ from Western Medical Practice most commonly practiced in the USA. Most common forms of Alternative Medicine are as listed.
  • Eastern Medicine
  • Chinese Medicine
  • Herbs
  • Holistic Healings
  • Natural Healing
  • Chiropractor
  • Acupuncture
  • Midwifery
  • Massage Therapy
  • Art Therapy
  • Music Therapy
  • Auras
  • Crystal Healing
  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • etc.
If any of these ring a bell, then you have already been introduced to one form or another of Alternative Medicine. As you may have noticed, many of these have been used in many form of western practice and may even have their own clinics.

Depending on the practitioner, they may be very one or the other and sometime neutral. Some prescribe medicines and others suggest different medicines.

All of these forms have their own way of coping, enhancing, or in some patients to even allow independant from certain drugs. Each person is different and there are many ways to go about health.

Some people may need drug enhancements and that is all drugs are supposed to do. Drugs are meant to enhance different functions of the body to go back to equilibrium (wellness and good health). They do not "cure." They help the body overcome illnesses and faults that are occuring in the body or they help cope with them such as pain killers.

Although it is very dependent on the patient, if someone were to tell me that Alternative Medicine does not help them, I will most likely tell them from personal opinion and understanding: "Bull!"

The reason why I say 'bull' is because there are more than 400 different kinds of other forms of medicine. There are so many focuses and unique practices that I doubt anyone could actually try them all.

Each person, as an individual, even responds differently to different medications and that is the same way with something like herbs. What may be good for one, may not be good for another.

Now, I really do think that Conventional Medicine (AKA Western Medicine) has a purpose. For one, sometimes we really do need help with that broken bone, dental care, and even cancers. There is a reason for technology and herbs cannot help the body with those problems.

However, Alternative Medicine has a way of even preventing health problems by means that don't even contain the word supplements.

Exercise and Eating in smart ways can be just as preventive as taking an herb or a supplement for that missing item in your diet.

So if that is all Alternative Medicine is, then why is it is own separate category?

Well, in all honesty, I couldn't give you anything factual at this current time. However, I can say this. It's just like any other subject of study. Everything can be science and then each practice is called something different. What makes Alternative Medicine so different from Conventional is the sought for independent nature of practicing therapy and healing outside of a clinic.

Alternative Medicine is that want to be able to live life without relying on something that we used to go so well without.

Each person is to their own and people choose to see Alternative Medicine in many different ways. Which is one reason why it has received nicknames as "Witch Doctor," "Shamanism," "Snake Oil," and being "Hippy." Which is very comparable to the names given to Conventional Medicine as "Poison," "Lies," "Chemical Drugs," and "Not Natural." There is truth in all names as well as it is interchangeable.

My hope is that you can see past any bias issues and understand the importance of both and to make your own opinion and to respect each practice in its own way. No one said you had to practice it or like it, but there is a reason why some things just don't die out. There is truth in both sides.

I believe this is why CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) has come about, because of this wanted distinction and positive influence Alternative Medicine can have on conventional medicine.

If it were my choice, I would put them both in the hospital, have unbiased doctors, and let the patients decided what they want to try based on their own personal situation. They may even find that combining the two different areas is better than just one. Also, it allows complete communication between doctors and patients as to what other contents are in their system before making final decisions on the direction of their health situation.

So, now that I have gotten off my soap box, I will state in my final conclusion that I chose Alternative Medicine because I feel there is great potential and knowing and finding other ways to enhance the healthy body with or without the use of conventional medicine. I want to work in a clinic or therapeutic office where I can help patients find what works for them no matter what form of practice they choose.

Visualizing Color

When someone thinks of a color, they may normally think of there favorite color. We go back to kindergarten and learn the basics. There are complementary colors (Orange, Purple, Green) and primary colors (Yellow, Blue, Red). Later on, possibly in a high school art class, that there is a difference between additive (Green, Blue, Red like LEDs) and subtractive colors (kindergarten colors). Then we reach another level. This level could be most commonly found in different forms of art or business.

Art uses color techniques in prints, calligraphy, clay work, painting, theater, photography, etc. We learn these techniques with cameras (film and digital), Photoshop, liquids effected by kilns (ovens that cook clay and like materials), and different mediums like chalk, pastel, oil, acrylic, and watercolor. There is obviously tons more that I have not listed. In art we learn the effects of light and technology manipulation. In some cultures you learn about certain dyes used in painting, fabric, and tattoos. When one takes an art class, they are not even stepping into the world of art, they are only looking at a mirror but have not entered the other side yet.

Then there is the psyche of color normally used in business. Interior design, graphic design, psychologists, military, and other forms of businesses use the technique of color in a completely different way. Yes, lighting and Photoshop can be used and easily manipulated but it also has a certain effect on the human species. Each living being is effect differently by color and there have been many studies about the effect of color. We have even associated color with moods because of the fancy heat sensitive material in mood rings.

Here are some pieces of color research that you may or may not have known.
Purple- Don't put this color in your kitchen. It is a negative environment for eating and even cooking food.
Red- Do not use this as your main color in a logo design. It can be a great accent but something that is boldly red tends to give off many different vibes. It can make you feel hungry to power hungry. You need to be sure that it is giving off the vibe you want it to give. Sometimes in not just about design.
Orange- stimulates the appetite. In construction we have learned it to be a caution color.
Green- is a neutral color, it complements almost everything.
Blue- in some cultures signifies death unlike black in other cultures.
Yellow- is a joyful happy color, it lightens a mood.
Obviously there are more effects and significant differences in colors depending on each person and the usage. To one person, red may be their favorite color and green may drive another crazy. We like to look at colorful in depth things about the world around us. It influences our moods and has been used in many ways. You may even notice that in certain rooms and during certain moments, color will look different to you. This is caused by something that we can learn in color theory.

Now my mind, when I think of color it turns into a whole new world. I don't really have a favorite color because certain colors influence me in different ways. For example, when I think of the color green I think of the rainforest and how it makes colors pop. I also think of the beautiful Rocky Mountains because of the luscious green forests of pine trees and aspens and then I think of fall time when all the colors are changing and there are beautiful golds, yellows, and brown mixed in a magical like scenery. When I think of yellow, I think of laying out in the grass watching the clouds as the sun's rays kiss my skin giving me a warm glow and feeling of comfort and joy. I just can't pick a favorite color because it is tied into so many other sensory experiences that to just call it a color is almost impossible for me.

What about picking colors based on things you can't see visually? One way to think of this question is what about music? If you were to listen to music, do you visualize playing the instrument, singing on stage, or dancing? If so you may have even already started to imagine the light show, the setting, and even a costume. You picked those colors for a reason. You felt music, you saw it. You automatically connected it with a color without even realizing it, didn't you? Isn't color amazing?

For some starting points of research and links, you may like to look up the following list. I know that the links are wiki and wiki is not a reputable source but if you look at the bottom of the page after reading a simplified summary, there should be external links of resources that are reputable and you can read into more depth and a better focus of the subject. Because my posts are only basic information to get you acquainted with the idea of PNI, I feel wiki is OK to link because it has other sources linked on.
Visual music
Graphic sound
Color Organ
Music visualization
Synesthesia in art
Sound art
Sound sculpture
Sound installation
Concerning the Spiritual in Art by Wassily Kandinsky