Life is What You Make It

There are some who say that life is life, it is meant to be lived and there are some things human beings are not meant to do. Yet dreams, inventions, discoveries, and mysteries still exist. To think that this is all that life has to offer, that you cannot have an increase, is preposterous, at least for those who choose to have it that way. This is inspiration of the power of the mind and body to become something you never have before. This is not about inspirational quotes, this is about discovering something you have already thought of before.*

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Visualizing Color

When someone thinks of a color, they may normally think of there favorite color. We go back to kindergarten and learn the basics. There are complementary colors (Orange, Purple, Green) and primary colors (Yellow, Blue, Red). Later on, possibly in a high school art class, that there is a difference between additive (Green, Blue, Red like LEDs) and subtractive colors (kindergarten colors). Then we reach another level. This level could be most commonly found in different forms of art or business.

Art uses color techniques in prints, calligraphy, clay work, painting, theater, photography, etc. We learn these techniques with cameras (film and digital), Photoshop, liquids effected by kilns (ovens that cook clay and like materials), and different mediums like chalk, pastel, oil, acrylic, and watercolor. There is obviously tons more that I have not listed. In art we learn the effects of light and technology manipulation. In some cultures you learn about certain dyes used in painting, fabric, and tattoos. When one takes an art class, they are not even stepping into the world of art, they are only looking at a mirror but have not entered the other side yet.

Then there is the psyche of color normally used in business. Interior design, graphic design, psychologists, military, and other forms of businesses use the technique of color in a completely different way. Yes, lighting and Photoshop can be used and easily manipulated but it also has a certain effect on the human species. Each living being is effect differently by color and there have been many studies about the effect of color. We have even associated color with moods because of the fancy heat sensitive material in mood rings.

Here are some pieces of color research that you may or may not have known.
Purple- Don't put this color in your kitchen. It is a negative environment for eating and even cooking food.
Red- Do not use this as your main color in a logo design. It can be a great accent but something that is boldly red tends to give off many different vibes. It can make you feel hungry to power hungry. You need to be sure that it is giving off the vibe you want it to give. Sometimes in not just about design.
Orange- stimulates the appetite. In construction we have learned it to be a caution color.
Green- is a neutral color, it complements almost everything.
Blue- in some cultures signifies death unlike black in other cultures.
Yellow- is a joyful happy color, it lightens a mood.
Obviously there are more effects and significant differences in colors depending on each person and the usage. To one person, red may be their favorite color and green may drive another crazy. We like to look at colorful in depth things about the world around us. It influences our moods and has been used in many ways. You may even notice that in certain rooms and during certain moments, color will look different to you. This is caused by something that we can learn in color theory.

Now my mind, when I think of color it turns into a whole new world. I don't really have a favorite color because certain colors influence me in different ways. For example, when I think of the color green I think of the rainforest and how it makes colors pop. I also think of the beautiful Rocky Mountains because of the luscious green forests of pine trees and aspens and then I think of fall time when all the colors are changing and there are beautiful golds, yellows, and brown mixed in a magical like scenery. When I think of yellow, I think of laying out in the grass watching the clouds as the sun's rays kiss my skin giving me a warm glow and feeling of comfort and joy. I just can't pick a favorite color because it is tied into so many other sensory experiences that to just call it a color is almost impossible for me.

What about picking colors based on things you can't see visually? One way to think of this question is what about music? If you were to listen to music, do you visualize playing the instrument, singing on stage, or dancing? If so you may have even already started to imagine the light show, the setting, and even a costume. You picked those colors for a reason. You felt music, you saw it. You automatically connected it with a color without even realizing it, didn't you? Isn't color amazing?

For some starting points of research and links, you may like to look up the following list. I know that the links are wiki and wiki is not a reputable source but if you look at the bottom of the page after reading a simplified summary, there should be external links of resources that are reputable and you can read into more depth and a better focus of the subject. Because my posts are only basic information to get you acquainted with the idea of PNI, I feel wiki is OK to link because it has other sources linked on.
Visual music
Graphic sound
Color Organ
Music visualization
Synesthesia in art
Sound art
Sound sculpture
Sound installation
Concerning the Spiritual in Art by Wassily Kandinsky

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