Life is What You Make It

There are some who say that life is life, it is meant to be lived and there are some things human beings are not meant to do. Yet dreams, inventions, discoveries, and mysteries still exist. To think that this is all that life has to offer, that you cannot have an increase, is preposterous, at least for those who choose to have it that way. This is inspiration of the power of the mind and body to become something you never have before. This is not about inspirational quotes, this is about discovering something you have already thought of before.*

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The General Questions

Thursday, November 1, 2012


It helps to go in order as they are developed or as given on here. There are no specific evaluations based on questions like some social media website quizzes. This is for statistical use based on participants as well as for your own interest. Statistics (graphs/percentages/etc.) will be posted about every 20 participants/results received, deal?

Most of these can be done by nearly all ages assuming they can answer and understand the questions clearly meaning you can't answer for a toddler who cannot communicate clearly to you what they would do in the questions given. For elementary age kids and science, let's say, they do have interests in different subjects and learn faster about different things. They may not be a professional or even understand the conversations conducted around the subjects, but stars and cars are easy categories to understand.
  1. The General Questions
  2. Introduce Yourself

Direct Links to Websites (in Quiz and how to). Some give direct results, others are your own opinion. The links are also included in the questions asked in the description so you don't have to navigate through here. This list contains all links for all the surveys throughout the project.

Psychological Descriptions of Personalities (ABCD):

    • Just read and decide for yourself what you feel fits you best. There have been many studies and this is just a general choice. It changes for each person often, especially on different scenerios.
  • You can also search through your own choice of websites to understand the different personality types.
Carl Jung Studies
Color Code
    • Take the quiz, fill out the profile (that includes your email) to get the results. All the email does is set up your profile account so you can return for your results later. They DO NOT spam. It has been two years and I still have not received anything I did not request.
Scientific Understandings

Introduce Yourself

Expressive Art Therapy

I had what I wanted to do in my mind but I just could not put it into words. I guess that is a common characteristics of most creative/artistic people. Visualizations is our understanding and our communication is actions rather than words.

I had a lot of background and learning in many different areas and it was all blending together quite nicely in my brain but to find schooling to comply, or fit perfectly was going to be difficult.

I honestly cannot even remember how I came upon IEATA, except maybe through researching artistic alternative medicine and therapies. 

Whatever the case, I found it.

IEATA described it to a 'T' and they provided schooling and information on certification. This is how they described it.

"The expressive arts combine the visual arts, movement, drama, music, writing and other creative processes to foster deep personal growth and community development."

Wiki simply defines the therapy almost word for word of my own definition when having to explain to others.

"Expressive therapy, also known as expressive arts therapy or creative arts therapy, is the use of the creative arts as a form of therapy. Unlike traditional art expression, the process of creation is emphasized rather than the final product. Expressive therapy is predicated on the assumption that people can heal through use of imagination and the various forms of creative expression."

Basically, Expressive Art Therapies is different from Art Therapy based on the fact that the 'instructor' is a counselor rather than a psychologist. Expressive art uses psychological knowledge, studies, and understanding but one does not become a psychologist of any sort but a therapist. You do the instructing and  direct yourself through personal choices and direction. Choices are not made for you but a therapist is there for support and as guidance. Not saying that a registered therapist could or could not be a psychologist, it just is not a necessary step.

I personally feel that those in the Alternative Medical field are more so therapists rather than papered doctors. Although schooling is becoming available, it is not necessary although credit ability can be helpful.  From personal encounters with those in the CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine), there is a different mood or vibe about them. They understand the body as much as any other doctor does but in a different emphasis, understandings, and point of view. One generally "prescribes" and the other "suggests." It does depend on the person and other factors but once again, this is a general and personal perspective on the fields similar and yet opposite of CAM and Expressive Art Therapies.

To read on, click here:
Alternative Medicine
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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

PNI (Psychoneuroimmunology)

For the basics of understanding PNI, a good website I found helpful in explaining what is psychoneuroimmunology, is

Basically, PNI came about about 40-50 years ago. It was an interesting thought that did not really go far past a certain period of time. That or it just was not that popular. It is rare enough that all my psychology and biology teachers I contacted had no idea what field or study I was talking about.

Strangely enough, the people that I was able to talk more about the subject with were health knowledgeable professors, specifically my stress management/health and wellness online teacher (where it was mentioned in our textbook, thus my sudden interest) and an anthropology teacher up here on my campus.

In short, PNI is about how the mind (psycho-), brain (neuro-), and immune system (immun-) is studied (-ology) through its interaction and relation to each other. The best way to describe what that means is by giving a relative example.

Let's say that you are enjoying life through your everyday routine when something happens and causes stress, for exam, an exam. You start to stress over it, worry, and study exclusively to the point where you forget about eating nutritious food, or at all, you lose sleep staying up late ours, you don't relax because relaxing is for after the test, you then start to feel sick and you come down with the flu blaming it on bad luck.

Now, let's give another example. let's say you have been diagnosed with cancer or a disease that effects your daily life in extreme ways. You decide that instead of letting this challenge become a downer, you decide to look at the bright side and smile about something new everyday (all of us know at least one optimistic person like this).

Both of these relate to PNI because your thoughts influence the immune system by sending neurotransmitters, hormones, lymphocytes, etc. to fight off the stress, the sickness, or whatever your body and mind deems necessary. You may not even realize you have helped cause some of your bad days to become bad days. Your emotions also follow how you feel. If you feel crumby, you will be crumby and your body will respond to that to return to equilibrium. To bring in a familiar understanding, they say that laughter is a medicine in itself. Well, it's true. Laughing releases different chemicals that signal the body positively, thus improving health.

One of the main figures bringing back psychoneuoimmunology back to life is Candice Pert, a neurologist who discovered the hormonal, neural, and other chemical signals from the brain influencing the body and vice verse as described.

It goes into a lot more depth but it is a good introduction to what PNI is about.

However, I personally had a hard time researching a lot of information on the subject. I was able to find a psychology school in California that uses PNI as part of their subject matter and studies, but not as an actual field or degree. It just is no that big yet apparently. I tried researching people with a degree in it. I was able to find one professor teaching at Utah University that received her education some where else but it was a particular emphasis, still not a degree. Thus I came to the conclusion that I would do my own studies.

There is a research program/membership one can have called  PNIRS (PNI Research Society). They make it difficult to be a member including high membership fees for the funding of research. I could not contact them either, that I can remember, to talk to someone part of the society to talk to me about the subject area.
There are many therapies and studies done on "mind over matter," but not many, that I can tell, talk about it the other way around. Many stress relieving techniques discuss this way of health and improvement. One of the few, that I have realized is through the studies of alternative medicine or CAM (complementary and alternative medicine).

Once I decided to make it my own study, I started to realize and notice how much art, which is already a big part of my life, has influenced me therapeutically.  Thus, the beginning of my search for a perfect career, with a degree, professional schooling, and in an all new area where I may be the only explorer.

That is when I found

To read on about the beginning please click here.
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